Regarded as the first youth mariachi group, and the seed to the whole youth mariachi movement in the United States.


In 1964 Father Charles Rourke originated the idea of youth mariachi. Inheritors of a six decade legacy of musicianship and dedication, today’s Changuitos play for college scholarship money. Over $480,000 in scholarships have transformed former Changuitos into college graduates in law, medicine, science, education and technology.


Los Changuitos Feos organization promotes the education of our youth while preserving our Hispanic culture. Mariachi Los Changuitos Feos will share their legacy and carry it forward for all generations to come who will forever know the importance of what it means to be a ‘Changuito Feo’.

Los Changuitos Feos (LCF) is a youth mariachi group whose multiple purposes are:

To provide creative and wholesome activity for its members

To develop members’ artistic talent and social maturity

To instill in members self esteem and pride in music, language and culture

To develop a sense of community

To promote the City of Tucson

To entertain and bring joy of spirit to others

To provide college scholarship support to graduating members



Los Changuitos Feos (LCF) is a youth mariachi group whose multiple purposes are to:


Provide creative and wholesome activity for its members

Artistic Development

Develop members’ artistic talent and social maturity

Self-esteem & Pride

Instill in members self esteem and pride in music, language and culture

Sense of Community

Develop a sense of community


Promote the City of Tucson

Joy of Spirit

Entertain and bring joy of spirit to others


Provide college scholarships to future graduates of LCF


Los Changuitos Feos, INC. (LCF) is a youth mariachi group whose multiple purposes are to provide creative and wholesome activity for its members; to develop members’ artistic talent and social maturity; to instill in members self esteem and pride in music, language and culture; to develop a sense of community; to promote the City of Tucson; to entertain and bring joy of spirit to others; and to provide college scholarships to future graduates of LCF.